Our group has broad ranging research interests in climate change, glaciology, sea level rise, and coastal hazards. We tackle geospatial problems to better understand our changing planet. Our research interests focus around the dynamics and mass balance of Arctic glaciers (especially those ending in the ocean) and Maine’s coast, particularly the response of beaches and marshes to storm events. We primarily use remote sensing to understand how these landscapes are changing in response to anthropogenic induced warming and sea level rise. We are lucky to collaborate with amazing colleagues from around the world to accomplish this work and we always excited to continue these collaborations. Pictures below show some of the place we have worked in recent years.
COP 24 in Katowice -
GPR in Yukon -
Goosefare Brook, Saco/OOB, Maine -
Thores Lake, Arctic Canada -
Fortunes Rocks Beach, Maine -
Hot water drilling on Lowell Glacier in Yukon -
GNSS work, Biddeford Pool, Maine -
Ground control points in Alaska -
Donjek Glacier and Mt. Logan, Yukon -
Ice coring, Yukon -
GPR, Thores Glacier, Arctic Canada -
Biddeford Pool, Maine