
Peer Reviewed Publications


DeWater, K., Kochtitzky, W., Ellis, R., Merrill, P., Pittsley, M. , Morgan, P., Burns, C., Campbell, A., Adamowicz, S. 2025. Widespread expansion of salt marsh pools observed on Maine marshes since 2009. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. (URL) (PDF)


DeWater, K., Anderson, A., Hrynick, G., Kochtitzky, W. 2024. Evaluating Quoddy Region archaeological site vulnerability to sea level rise and erosion through the integration of GIS modeling and surveys. North American Archaeologist. (URL)(PDF)

Grey, L., Lauzon, B., Copland, L., Van Wychen, W., Dow, C., Kochtitzky, W., Alley, K. 2024. Tracking the filling, outburst flood and resulting subglacial water channel from a large Canadian Arctic subglacial lake. Geophysical Research Letters. (URL) (PDF)

Garibaldi, M., Bonnaventure, P., Noah, N., Kochtitzky, W. 2024. Exploring the impact of surface lapse rate change scenarios on mountain permafrost distribution in four dissimilar valleys in Yukon, Canada. Arctic Science. (URL) (PDF)

Gray, L., Burgess, D., Copland, L., Dow, C., Fettweis, X., Fisher, D., Kochtitzky, W., van Wychen, W., Zheng, J. 2024. Repeated subglacial jökulhlaups in NE Greenland revealed by CryoSat. Journal of Glaciology. (URL) (PDF)

Garibaldi, M., Bonnaventure, P., Noad, N., Kochtitzky, W. 2024. Modelling air, ground surface and permafrost temperature variability across four dissimilar valleys, Yukon, Canada. Arctic Science. (URL) (PDF)

Main, B., Copland, L., Flowers, G., Dow, C., Van Wychen, W., Samsonov, S., Kochtitzky, W. 2024. Topographic and hydrological controls on partial and full surges of Little Kluane Glacier, Yukon. Journal of Glaciology. (URL) (PDF)

Vegter, S., Bonnaventure, P., Daly, S., and Kochtitzky, W. 2024. Modelling Permafrost Distribution using the Temperature at Top of Permafrost Model in the Boreal Forest Environment of Whatì, NT. Arctic Science. (URL) (PDF)


Zheng, W., Bhushan, S., Van Wyk De Vries, M., Kochtitzky, W., Shean, D., Dow, C., Jones-Ivey, R., Pérez, F. A. 2023. GLAcier Feature Tracking testkit (GLAFT): a statistically and physically based framework for evaluating glacier velocity products derived from satellite image feature tracking. The Cryosphere, 17, 4063–4078. (URL) (PDF)

Kochtitzky, W., Copland, L., King, M., Hugonnet, H., Jiskoot, H., Morlighem, M., Millan, R., Khan, S., Noël, B. 2023. Closing Greenland’s mass balance: frontal ablation for every Greenlandic glacier from 2000 to 2020. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(17), p.e2023GL104095. (URL) (PDF)

Lauzon, B., Copland, L., Van Wychen, W., Kochtitzky, W., and McNabb, R. 2023. Evolution in surface morphology and velocity of Airdrop Glacier, western Axel Heiberg Island, over a seven decade long advance. Arctic Science. (URL) (PDF)

Kochtitzky, W., Copland, L. Van Wychen, W., Hock, R., Rounce, D., Jiskoot, H., Scambos, T., Morlighem, M., King, M., Cha, L., Gould, L., Merril, P., Glazovsky, A., Hugonnet, R., Strozzi, T., Noël, B., Navarro, F., Millan, R., Dowdoeswell, J., Cook, A., Dalton, A., Khan, S., Jania, J. Progress towards globally complete frontal ablation estimates of marine-terminating glaciers. Annals of Glaciology. doi:10.1017/aog.2023.35 (URL)(PDF)

Painter, M., Copland, L., Dow, C., Kochtitzky, W., Medrzycka, D. Patterns and mechanisms of repeat drainages of glacier-dammed Dań Zhùr (Donjek) Lake, Yukon. Arctic Science. (URL) (PDF)

Malles, J., Maussion, F., Ultee, L., Kochtitzky, W., Copland, L., Marzeion, B. Exploring the impact of a frontal ablation parameterization on projected 21st-century mass change for Northern Hemisphere glaciers. Journal of Glaciology. doi:10.1017/jog.2023.19 (URL) (PDF)

Lauzon, B., Copland, L., Van Wychen, W., Kochtitzky, W., McNabb, R. and Dahl-Jensen, D. Dynamics throughout a complete surge of Iceberg Glacier on western Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic. Journal of Glaciology. doi:10.1017/jog.2023.20 (URL) (PDF)

Rounce, R., Hock, R., Maussion, F., Hugonnet, R., Kochtitzky, W., Huss, M., Berthier, E., Brinkerhoff, D., Compagno, L., Copland, L., Farinotti, D., Menounos, B., McNabb, R. 2023. Global glacier change in the 21st century: Every tenth of a degree temperature increase matters. Science. doi:10.1126/science.abo1324 (URL) (PDF)


Culley, A., Thaler, M., Kochtitzky, W., Iqaluk, P., Rapp, J., Rautio, M., Kumagai, M., Copland, L., Vincent, W., Girard, C. The Thores Lake proglacial system: remnant stability in the rapidly changing Canadian High Arctic. Arctic Science. (URL)(PDF)

Main, B., Copland, L., Smeda, B., Kochtitzky, W., Samsonov, S., Dudley, J., Skidmore, M., Dow, C., Van Wychen, W., Medrzycka, D., Higgs, E., Mingo, L. Terminus change of Kaskawulsh Glacier, Yukon, under a warming climate: retreat, thinning, slowdown, and modified proglacial lake geometry. Journal of Glaciology. doi:10.1017/jog.2022.114 (URL) (PDF)

Bash, E., Shellian, C., Dow, C., McDermid, G., Kochtitzky, W., Medrzycka, D., Copland, L. A Standard Framework for Semi-Automated Mapping of Supraglacial Hydrology. Journal of Glaciology. doi:10.1017/jog.2022.92. (URL) (PDF)

Kochtitzky, W., Copland, L., Wohlleben, T., Iqaluk, P., Girard, C., Vincent, W., Culley, A. Slow change since the Little Ice Age at a far northern glacier with the potential for system reorganization: Thores Glacier, northern Ellesmere Island, Canada. Arctic Science. (URL) (PDF)

Kochtitzky, W., Copland, L., Van Wychen, W., Hugonnet, R., Hock, R., Dowdoeswell, J., Benham, T., Strozzi, T., Glazovsky, A., Labrentiev, I., Rounce, D., Millan, R., Cook, A., Dalton, A., Jiskoot, H., Cooley, J., Jania, J., Navarro, F. The unquantified mass loss of Northern Hemisphere marine-terminating glaciers from 2000-2020. Nature Communications. (URL) (PDF)

Daly, S., Bonnaventure, P, Kochtitzky, W. Influence of ecosystem and disturbance on near‐surface permafrost distribution, Whatì, Northwest Territories, Canada. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. (URL) (PDF)

Kochtitzky, W. and Copland, L. 2022. Retreat of Northern Hemisphere marine‐terminating glaciers, 2000‐2020. Geophysical Research Letters, (URL) (PDF)


Nolan, A., Kochtitzky, W., Enderlin, E., McNabb, R., and Kreutz, K. 2021. Kinematics of the exceptionally-short surge cycles of Sít’ Kusá (Turner Glacier), Alaska, from 1983 to 2013. Journal of Glaciology, 1-15. doi:10.1017/jog.2021.29 (URL(PDF)

Curley, A., Kochtitzky, W., Edwards, B. and Copland, L. 2021. Glacier changes over the past 144 years at Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Canada. Journal of Glaciology, pp.1-12. (URL) (PDF)

Van Wychen, W., Burgess, D., Kochtitzky, W., Nikolic, N., Copland, L., and Gray, L. (2021) RADARSAT-2 Derived Glacier Velocities and Dynamic Discharge Estimates for the Canadian High Arctic: 2015–2020, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/07038992.2020.1859359 (URL)(PDF)


Edwards, B., Kochtitzky, W. and Battersby, S. 2020. Global mapping of future glaciovolcanism. Global and Planetary Change. (URL) (PDF) (Supplemental information)

Kochtitzky, W., Copland, L., Painter, M., Dow, D. 2020. Draining and filling of ice dammed lakes at the terminus of surge-type Dań Zhùr (Donjek Glacier), Yukon, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science. (URL) (PDF)

Kochtitzky, W., and Edwards, B. 2020. Comments on ‘Area changes of glaciers on active volcanoes in Latin America between 1986 and 2015 observed from multi-temporal satellite imagery’ by Reinthaler and others (2019). Journal of Glaciology, 66(257), 520-522. (URL) (PDF)

Kochtitzky, W.,Winski, D., McConnel, E., Kreutz, K., Campbell, S., Enderlin, E., Copland, L., Williamson, S., Dow, C., Main, B., Jiskoot, H. 2020. The Impact of Climate on Surging at Donjek Glacier, Yukon, Canada. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 52(1), pp. 264-280. (URL) (PDF)


Kochtitzky, W., Jiskoot, H., Copland, L., Enderlin, E., McNabb, R., Kreutz, K., Main, B. 2019. Variations in terminus advance, kinematics, and mass redistribution during eight surges of Donjek Glacier, St. Elias Range, Canada, 1935 to 2016. Journal of Glaciology, 65(252) pp 565-579. (URL) (PDF)


Kochtitzky, W., Edwards, B.R., Enderlin, E.M., Marino, J. and Marinque, N. 2018. Improved estimates of glacier change rates at Nevado Coropuna Ice Cap, Peru. Journal of Glaciology, 64(244) pp 175-184.. (URL) (PDF)

Enderlin, E.M., Carrigan, C.J., Kochtitzky, W., Cuadros, A., Moon, T. and Hamilton, G.S. 2018. Greenland iceberg melt variability from high-resolution satellite observations. The Cryosphere, 12(2), p.565. (URL) (PDF